Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sandy Weather

The weather has finally been warm enough..long enough to fill up the sand box (thanks Grandma Jo). We go through quite a bit of sand each year. This will be the first year that three kids have played in the sandbox so I can only imagine how much sand will be all over the yard by the end of summer. The girls were so excited about Bethany bringing them some new sand toys this morning. While playing outside this afternoon, Leightyn turned the playhouse into Chick Fil-A and was able to make any food request out of sand, flowers, and dirt. Mylea thought it was funny to put the sand in the bucket, walk around the yard, and then find the perfect place to dump the sand out. Macy likes having new shovels to play with. I can feel many days finding sand in my kitchen and in the girl's clothes approaching.

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