Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Waiting On "L"

Almost two weeks ago, we decided to take in another foster child. The call came while Mylea was at school. The little girl would not arrive until late afternoon, but Mylea couldn't wait that long. She quickly set the table for a welcome dinner. 
 After "hours and hours" (maybe an hour tops) of waiting by the window, our new friend arrived.
 "L" and Mylea quickly became good friends. "L"is a few months shy of 4 so Mylea has taken on the role of big sister and little momma.
 The next morning, we spent a few hours playing at Chuck E Cheese. Mylea and "L" played together the entire time. Landry had fun running around pretending to drive the cars and boats.

 Back to the house for some naps. The girls had the giggles and it took a few minutes for 
them to finally fall asleep.

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