Monday, December 8, 2008

That's My Girl!!!!

Several times through out the year, I go through the house and pack up things we don't need or use (usually toys) and send them to the Women's Shelter. A few weeks ago, I told Leightyn that it was time to think about what toys she wanted to give to the boys and girls that do not have any toys. She was determined that she needed every toy that was hers and that they were not leaving this house. So then I started telling her that she needed to get rid of some toys so that Santa could bring her some new toys. Her response was "I don't like Santa...he doesn't have to bring me any toys. So obviously the Santa line wasn't going to work. Anyways, today I began going through Mylea's toys to give away. Leightyn brought me Pinky (her bear), her baby, and her pig (her three favorite toys) and told me that she wanted to give these to the boys and girls because they might really like them. It about broke my heart to see her willing to part with these. I told her that it was really nice of her to do that but it she wanted to keep them that it would be ok....her response "ok...I'll keep them". Oh well, I think she is starting to understand why we get rid of her toys.

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