Thursday, December 5, 2013

Elf Gracie on the Shelf

When we arrived home from deer camp, we had a very special visitor waiting on us! Our Elf for the season had finally arrived. This year Mylea asked Santa for a little girl elf. Elf Gracie arrived in a tutu and bow. Mylea discovered Gracie sitting in her Christmas tree.

 Gracie brought some special elf dolls for each of the girls. Since we aren't allowed to touch Elf Gracie, the girls were excited to have an elf to play with and sleep with. Along with the dolls, Gracie delivered a special letter from Santa. 

Dear Mylea, Landry, and Maribette....
well well well....three of my favorite little children!

First off, I have to tell you that I think you all are very special. I know that you are filled with love for each other, your parents, but most importantly, you are filled with love for Jesus, and I know that He lives in your hearts. He lives in mine too, so that makes us all especially special! Mylea, I am so proud of that wonderful decision you made back in May. Asking Jesus to live in your heart and to be your Savior is the most important decision you will ever make.

I had to let you know something important. You know the whole naughty and nice list that you hear everyone talking about? Well...truth is, that’s not really true. I don’t have a naughty and nice list. Because I know Jesus, I also know a lot about grace and getting what we don’t deserve. I know you know all about that! Like when you make the wrong choice and when you choose to sin, Jesus gives you grace and loves you still! And sometimes I know that your parents give you grace when you deserve to be disciplined, but they give you another chance!

I know that kids are not perfect. I know that you guys are not perfect. But I KNOW that Jesus loves you all the time, and I do too. So you don’t need to worry about being on the naughty or nice list. If you believe that I will come to your house on Christmas Eve and leave you some special surprises, then I will come! THat’s all you to believe!

To help you remember about grace and getting love even when you don’t deserve it, I wanted to send you a very special treat for this Christmas season. Since it’s almost December, the month that we celebrate Jesus coming to earth to be our Rescuer, I thought you might enjoy a little visit from a very special friend of mine. 

This is Elf Gracie...

She is a dear friend of mine, but she tends to be a bit naughty. I have explained grace many many times, when she chooses to sin and be a stinker. I have told her that is why Jesus had to rescue her, because she has sin in her heart. She is beginning to learn, but I though that if she stayed with you for the Christmas season, you might be able to teach her more about the way Jesus loves you so very much. I love Gracie so much and I want her to understand and believe Jesus and know that her heart can make good choices because Jesus loves her so very much!!

One important thing about Gracie....she is an Elf. Elves tend to be shy during the day. Gracie likes to sit back and watch everyone else throughout the day. But when everyone else goes to bed. Gracie likes to cause mischief. This is usually when Gracie gets in to trouble so you will have to watch out for her. 

When I told Gracie that she was going to stay with you girls, she jumped up and down in excitement. She really thinks you girls are fun, and she especially loves books, games, crafts, and going on trips, so make sure she has some fun while visiting. 

Have fun! I’ll be back to pick up Gracie on Christmas Eve when I come to drop off some surprises for you.

I love you girls so very much!

and Mylea......I read your letter asking for a girl boxer. I have no doubt that you would take excellent care of her, but, with 2 crabs, 3 cats, 1 dog, and 2 little sisters, I don’t know if this is the best time to send another pet to your house. I’m still thinking about it though!

One happy girl to finally have our elf back!

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