Thursday, December 30, 2010

School Time

Smiley Mylea

The other day Mylea was drawing while I took down all the Christmas decorations. While on the ladder, I hear "Mommy come here!". Mylea was so excited to show me that she finally learned to make a smiley face.

Christmas In Waldron

Monday, December 27, 2010

Woody.....the Flirt

On the way to Waldron, Mylea had fun playing with her a princess, Woody, and Jessie. Woody danced with Jessie and the princess. At one point, Woody was kissing the princess bye before he "has to go see Jessie".

Christmas Morning

After celebrating Jesus' birthday, Mylea was excited to see that Santa came and left her some presents. Mylea took FOREVER to open her presents. She had to make sure that every single piece of tape and paper were off her present before moving on to the next one. When we asked her what she got, Mylea would not show us until the tape and paper were completely off. About halfway done, Mylea decided that she was finished and wanted to play instead. She could not continue until all the princess', Woody, Jessie, and Buzz were all in a straight line watching her open more presents. Towards the end, Mylea took another break so Landen offered to help her open the last few presents.

Happy Birthday Jesus!!!

We began our Christmas celebration with a birthday party for Jesus.

Daddy read us the Christmas story. Mylea sat and listened like a big girl. She did an awesome job answering some questions and talking about the story after Daddy read it.

After the story, we lit the birthday candles and sang "Happy Birthday".

Yes, our cake is a Razorback! Don't you think Jesus would be a Razorback fan? Mylea and I had planned on making a cake Christmas Eve but the plan didn't work out.


Cookies For Santa

Friday, December 24, 2010