Sunday, May 20, 2012

CTK Carnival

Saturday afternoon we headed across town to Christ the King's annual carnival. We met up with Nigel, Heidi, Anna, and Mylea (they had been at Chuck E Cheese) and also with Lloyd, Amanda, Ryan, and Ms. Doreen. We had a big group and the kiddos had a great time. There were all types of games, snacks, and prizes to win. 

First stop was the inflatable slides. Mylea keeps asking when we are going to have a water slide party. After playing on the side, she really wants a party soon (sounds like a great idea to me!)
 Going fishing
 The boys had fun turning Landry in to a panda.
 This was a fun game! Using dart guns, the kids had to shoot down glasses that were stacked up. 
 Some of the adults ended up getting in on the action.

 Slam Dunk Contest

 Not sure if any of them finished under par.
 My won this stuffed animal. We were all excited about it being "Alf". She kept looking at us like "who is alf" and "what's the big deal"?
 Making some edible "sand" straws

 Throwing hard to win a coke

 Now on to the goldfish
 About the time we were going to leave, a clown show began. They sang, danced, told jokes, and did some funny tricks.

 Two little girls LOVED the clowns!!

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