Thursday, September 8, 2011

Birthday Fun Day

Keeping with the family tradition....Mylea got to plan how we spent her actual birthday. After she opened her presents, Mylea wanted to play dinosaurs while she watched Pippi Longstocking (her current favorite movie). When the movie was over, it was time to get dressed and head out for the day. Mylea chose Taco Bell for lunch. She was excited that Lloyd and Amanda came to eat with us.

After lunch, Mylea wanted to go watch a movie. She chose Smurfs....again (this would be her third time to see it). She sat through the movie as it she had never seen it before!

When the movie was over, she wanted to get a haircut. We quickly got it cut and then headed to a small family party at Chuck E Cheese.

Mylea did a great job planning her fun day!

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