This past Tuesday we got to spend another day with Grandma N
ancy at the mall. The girls were excited to go on another outing with her. After she finished getting her hearing-aids, we spent a few hours with her.
Leightyn and
Mylea showed Grandma Nancy the fun rides.

The best part of the afternoon was riding in Grandma's lap all around the mall. Grandma carried the girls to lunch, to the candy store, to the rides, and all over the place.

While at the mall,
Leightyn wanted to get her picture with the Easter Bunny.
Mylea wasn't to sure about the bunny.
Leightyn sat on his lap while
Mylea sat on Grandma Nancy's lap. As soon as the picture was taken,
Mylea was off of Grandma's lap and hiding behind Jo.
Leightyn was proud of herself for not being scared of the bunny. She said the was happy "cause when I was three I was scared of him".
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