Before the play, we attended the Royal Banquet. As we entered the building, we were greeted by the King and Queen. As we continued to walk down the aisle (hall), we were received bows and greetings from other members of royalty and servants from the kingdom. It was really neat to walk to the banquet entrance.
At the banquet, Leightyn was given many goodies. She received a crown, slipper cookies, punch in goblets, a bouquet of flowers, and a pair of glass slippers filled with hershey kisses.
During the royal banquet, all of the cast members walked around for autographs and photos. They played their part the entire time. The maids and servants walked with their hands help properly. Some cast members walked from table to table bowing to the banquet guest.
The "mice"
The fairy godmother
The evil stepsisters
Before the banquet ended, Leightyn got to take a picture with Cinderella and the Prince. These pictures were put in a cute frame for the kids to remember the special day.
Like I said, the play was awesome! Leightyn loved every moment of it. She called the acts "shows" and wanted to know if we could watch "more and more and more shows". After each act, Leightyn was ready to clap right on que.
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